Dal Cason Advanced Cutting Tools

P.IVA. 05611590018

Corso Grosseto 362/A
10151 Torino

+39 011 7393839

+39 011 7393607


What is a cookie?

Cookies are short text files that are downloaded to the User’s device when visiting a website.
At each subsequent visit, cookies are sent back to the website that originated them (first-party cookies) or to another site that recognizes them (third-party cookies).
Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize the User’s device. They have different purposes such as, for example, allowing you to navigate efficiently between pages, remembering your favorite sites and, in general, improving the browsing experience.

They also help to ensure that the advertising content displayed online is more targeted to the user and his interests. Based on the function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, profiling cookies, third-party cookies.

Your cookie settings on this website

Types of cookies used

The dalcasontrading.it site uses technical session cookies, which are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed, it is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site and its applications.
The session cookies used on the dalcasontrading.it site do not allow the acquisition of the user’s personal identification data.
The dalcasontrading.it site uses Google Analytics to analyze user navigation to create statistics on visits.
Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics, like other systems, uses “cookies”, text files stored on the user’s computer to allow the website to analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about the use of the website by the user (including the IP address) will be transmitted to and stored on Google’s servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to the use of the Internet. Google can also transfer this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate the user’s IP address with any other data held by Google. The user can in any case refuse to use cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on his browser, but this may prevent him from using all the website features. By using the dalcasontrading.it website, the user consents to the processing of data by Google for the aforementioned methods and purposes.

In any case, it is possible to set the internet browser software so as not to accept cookies, activating the so-called anonymous browsing.

Third party content

They are third-party cookies necessary for the delivery of content / functionality provided by third parties.
The following third parties who acquire information from you or in connection with our Service have informed us that you can obtain information about their policies and practices and, in some cases, give up some of their activities, as follows:

Part: Google
Service: Analytics
For further information: http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html
Use of detection technologies: Yes
Privacy choice: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Part: Google Maps
Service: contents
Nature: third part
Privacy policy: https://www.google.com/intl/it_it/policies/privacy/

Company: Facebook
Purpose: Social functionality
Nature: third part
Privacy policy: https://www.facebook.com/policy.php

Management of cookie preferences

At any time you can choose which cookies you wish to receive and which not by using the browser settings panel (Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc …).

To find out where you can find these settings, which may vary depending on the browser used, you can use the “Help” or “Help” function of your browser.

However, if you decide not to accept certain cookies, you may not be able to correctly use some features of our site.

In order to offer the best online experience, new services that use cookies may be added to our site from time to time. We aim to keep the information provided here as accurate as possible and use all reasonable efforts to review and update the details: such updates and changes will be published on this or other pages of our Site.